Presentations from the 2013 Western Bridge Engineers' Seminar
- Keynote Speakers
- 2A Major Bridge Design Projects
- 2B Accelerated Bridge Construction
- 2C Seismic Design Criteria
- 2D Bridge Rehabilitation
- 3A Major Bridge Design Projects
- 3B Accelerated Bridge Construction
- 3C Seismic Design
- Design of the SR520 West Approach Bridge Using
Seismic Isolation Bearings
Greg Knutson, HDR Engineering Inc.
Paul Bott, HDR Engineering Inc.
- As-Built Seismic Analysis of the Golden Gate Bridge
Main Suspension Spans
Ted Bush, HDR Engineering Inc.
Kuang Lim, HDR Engineering Inc.
- Non-Linear Seismic Behavior of a Highly Horizontally
Curved Bridge: A Case Study of Yerba Buena Island
(YBI) WB On-Ramps, Bay Bridge, San Francisco, CA
Young Deng, Moffat & Nichol
Tom Lee, Moffat & Nichol
Gernot Komar, Moffat & Nichol
Omar Jaradat, Moffat & Nichol
- 3D Bridge Rehabilitation
- 4A Bridge Design Case Study
- State of the Practice and Advances in Buried Bridges
Joel Hahm, Big R Bridge
- South Park Bascule Bridge Replacement: Innovations in
Design, Construction, & Sustainability Over 80 Years
Timothy Lane, HNTB
David McCurry, HNTB
- A Constructible Bridge Bent Designed to Re-center
After an Earthquake
John Stanton, University of Washington
Marc Eberhard, University of Washington
Phillip Davis, University of Washington
Travis Thonstad, University of Washington
Bryan Kennedy, University of Washington
Jeffrey Schaefer, University of Washington
- 4B Bridge Deck Construction
- 4C Seismic Retrofit
- 4D Bridge Load Rating
- 5A Design and Construction of Arch Bridges
- Design, Construction and Structural Health
Monitoring of a Steel Arch Bridge
Aleksander Nelson, HDR Engineering Inc.
Ahmad Abu-Hawash, Iowa Department of Transportation
Brent Phares, Iowa State University
Brent Phares, Iowa State University
Terry Wipf, Iowa State Unversity
- Sellwood Bridge Project: Final Design of the Main
Crossing Arch Bridge
Ian Cannon, Multnomah County (OR)
Mike Lopez, TY Lin Corp.
Eric Rau, TY Lin Corp.
- Design and Construction of the Bronco Arch
Replacement Bridge
Gregg A. Reese, Summit Engineering Group Inc.
- 5C Special Design and Construction
- 5D Light Rail Bridge Projects
- 6A Design and Construction of Steel Bridges
- 6B Bridge Management
- 6C Bridge Research
- Seismic Design of Concrete Filled Tube Columns
and Their Connections
Charles W. Roeder, University of Washington
Dawn E. Lehman, University of Washington
Max T. Stephens, University of Washington
Jiho Moon, Korea University, Seoul South Korea
- Controlling Cracking at the Ends of Pretensioned
Concrete Bridge Bulb Tee Girders
Pinar Okumus, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Michael G. Olivia, University of Wisconsin
- Socket Connections for Rapid Construction of
Bridge Bents with Spread Footings
John Stanton, University of Washington
Marc Eberhard, University of Washington
Olafur Haraldsson, University of Washington
- 6D Bridge Aesthetics
- 7A Special Bridge Design and Construction
- 7B Bridge Preservation
- 7C Bridge Design Case Study
- 7D Bridge Rehabilitation
- 8A Bridge Design Policies
- 8B Geotechnical Design
- 8C Bridge Design Case Study
- 8D Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems
- 9A Cable Supported Bridges
- Tower Erection Engineering for the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge Self-Anchored Suspension Span
B. Hammersley, Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd.
W. Wu, Wu and Dowedell Associated
B. Hammersley, Wu and Dowedell Associated
D. Dowedell, Wu and Dowedell Associated
N. Greco, American Bridge Company
- Fabrication of the Deh Cho Bridge Pylons
Paul King, Rapid-Span Structures, Ltd.
- Innovative Methods for Inspection of Cable-Stayed Highway Bridges, Old and New
Scott Wyatt, KPFF Consulting Engineers
Chris Ligozio, KPFF Consulting Engineers
- 9B Bridge Projects
- 9C Bridge Design Case Study
- 9D Bridge Instrumentation