- A Self Anchored Suspension Bridge Over Harbor Drive in San Diego
Daniel Fitzwilliam, P.E., T.Y> Lin International, San Diego, CA
Joe Tognoli, P.E., T.Y> Lin International, San Diego, CA
- San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge - Connection of the Oakland Touchdown Structure and Skyway at Hinge E
Vinh Trinh, WKE Inc., Santa Ana, CA
Xiaoyun Wu, Ph.D., P.E., IDC Consulting Engineers, Inc., Anaheim, CA
- Tower Bridge Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvements Project - Sacramento, California
Benjamin L. Consollacion, P.E., Parsons Brinkerhoff, Sacramento, CA
Ali Seyedmadani, Ph.D., P.E., Parsons Brinkerhoff, Sacramento, CA