- The Selection and Design of High Load Multi-Rotational Bearings for the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge [mpg] [mpg]
Ronald J. Watson, R. J. Watson, Amherst, NY
- Homer Hadley Bridge Modular Expansion Joint Replacements [pdf] [mpg] [jpg] [jpg] [jpg]
Ralph J. Dornsife, P.E., S.E., Washington State DOT, Olympia, WA
Dick Stoddard, P.E., S.E., Washington State DOT, Olympia, WA
- A Senergy for Increased Seismic Protection of Bridges
Roy A. Imbsen, D. Engr., P.E., Earthquake Protection Systems, Mare Island, CA
Anoop Mokha, Ph.D., S.E., Earthquake Protection Systems, Mare Island, CA